Contact us

Common service numbers for B2B sales

Reseller customers and other business customers
phone +358 204 85 5500, [email protected]

Technical contractors HVAC, technical sales
phone +358 204 85 0430, [email protected]

Technical contractors electrical, technical sales
phone +358 204 85 5500, [email protected]

Regional sales services for industrial customers

Regional sales services for infrastructure customers

Refrigeration sales
phone +358 204 85 2121, [email protected]

Customer service and sales Åland
phone +358 204 85 5250, [email protected]

Banneri / turkoosi erotinviiva - Yhteystietohaun sivulle

Contact details of salespeople

See our sales contacts search (in Finnish)
Our email address format is [email protected]

Onninen Express stores

See our Onninen Express search (in Finnish)

Onninen sales helps with the following matters:

  • Requests for quotation and price inquiries
  • Orders and order confirmations
  • Product information and spare parts
  • Returns and questions related to invoices

Banneri / turkoosi erotinviiva - Yhteystietohaun sivulle

Customer service and feedback form

Onninen customer service helps with the following matters:

  • Online shopping
  • Delivery deviations
  • Complaints

phone +358 204 85 6000
[email protected]
We serve on weekdays from 7.00 to 16.00 (EET)

Feedback and contact request form

Questions related to credit control

For matters related to credit control, please contact:
[email protected]
phone +358 204 85 5050

Invoicing instructions

Goods invoices (purchase order invoices)
Expense invoices

Contact Financial Services

Group Financial Services

Banneri / turkoosi erotinviiva - Yhteystietohaun sivulle

Onninen Express loyalty program

Matters related to loyalty program (in Finnish)

Contact information for suppliers

Building and technical trade contact information